IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE is an artistic project inspired by the forty thousand small Xs tattooed on the entire body of the contemporary artist Alfredo Meschi.
Forty thousand, like the animals wiped out every second due to our food madness, like the children who die every day from malnutrition, like the migrant people who have died in the Mediterranean from the beginning of the millennium till today.
In the States, forty thousand people take their own lives every year, die in road accidents, are killed by firearms, succumb to drugs, are the boys and girls who suffer sexual abuse...
In 2017 Alfredo Meschi together with the photographer Massimo Giovannini decided to capture an infinitesimal eye blink of our insane civilization, starting to transfer Alfredo's Xs on the bodies of 4000 people, choosing as the symbol of this madness the number that repeats itself most quickly and atrociously, that of animals killed every second.
According to Harvard University, in fact, a blink of an eye lasts a tenth of a second.
The 4000 people, all portrayed in a photographic diptych, will represent a performance in perpetual memory of this historical moment of the Anthropocene, the first geological era to take its name from an animal species and its unfortunate ability to alter the balance of the Earth.